Not suitable for children under 3 years.
« OTONANO-ZUKAN » Specialist Picture Atlas: Japanese textured paper stickers with golden details. These luxurious sticker collections with a golden hot foil finish are perfect to decorate and customize.
These sledding dogs are full of personality, as depicted in this sticker set.
Model number: 218234
Package size: 20×9.5 cm
Made in Japan by Kamio Japan Inc.
Depicted :
シベリアン・ハスキー Siberian Husky
ブラウン&ホワイト Brown & white
走り出したら止まらない Can’t be stopped when it starts running
見た目は狼 It looks like a wolf
2ヶ月 2 months old
6ヶ月 6 months old
成長スピードが凄い The dog grows so fast
かまって! Look at me!
遠吠えがハスキーボイス Husky howling
ブラック&ホワイト Black and white
ブラッシング Brushing
暑さに弱い Doesn’t like the heat
おしゃべりが好き Likes to chat
優しい Kind
破壊王 The king of destruction
前向きでめげない=失敗に懲りない Positive attitude = nothing can bring it down
かっこいい Cool
家族思い Family-oriented
社会性に優れフレンドリー Social and extremely friendly
イケメン handsome
もふもふ Fluffy
仔犬 Puppy
散歩や運動は時間をかけて Take a walk and do sports
オッドアイが多い Many with odd eyes
犬ぞりをひく Dogs pulling a sled
up to 4 sheets | 5 to 7 sheets | |
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European Union | €5.99 | €4.99 |
all others | €7.99 | €6.99 |
up to 4 sheets | 5 to 7 sheets | |
Austria | €1.49 | €0.49 |
European Union | €1.99 | €0.99 |
all others | €3.99 | €2.99 |
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