Not suitable for children under 3 years.
« OTONANO-ZUKAN » Specialist Picture Atlas: Japanese textured paper stickers with golden details. These luxurious sticker collections with a golden hot foil finish are perfect to decorate and customize.
The "Toys from the home province" sticker set brings back memories from an era when toys were made of wood, e.g. Kokeshi-Dolls, Maneki-Neko, Tanuki and many more. Quite nostalgic.
Model number: 741690
Package size: 20×9.5 cm
Made in Japan by Kamio Japan Inc.
Depicted toys:
木彫りの熊 Kibori-no-kuma
金魚台輪 Kingyo Daiwa
姫ダルマ Hime Daruma
三角だるま Sankaku Daruma
ずぐり独楽 Zuburi-Koma
きぶな Kibuna
もちつき兎 Mochitsuki Usagi
犬張子 Inuhariko
鶉車 Uzuraguruma
だるま Daruma
今戸人魚 Imado-Ningyo
赤べこ Akabeko
すすきみみずく Susukimimizuku
張り子の虎 Hariko-no-tora
加賀人形 Kaga Ningyo
起き上がり小法師 Okiagari-koboshi
招き猫 Manekineko
お鷹ポッポ O-taka-poppo
チャグチャグ馬コ Chagu chagu Umakko
こけし Kokeshi
狐面 Kitsunemen
ニポポ Nipopo
三春駒 Miharugoma
きじ馬 Kijiuma
狸 Tanuki
up to 4 sheets | 5 to 7 sheets | |
Austria | €3.95 | €1.99 |
European Union | €5.99 | €4.99 |
all others | €7.99 | €6.99 |
up to 4 sheets | 5 to 7 sheets | |
Austria | €1.49 | €0.49 |
European Union | €1.99 | €0.99 |
all others | €3.99 | €2.99 |
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