Not suitable for children under 3 years.
« OTONANO-ZUKAN » Specialist Picture Atlas: Japanese textured paper stickers with golden details. These luxurious sticker collections with a golden hot foil finish are perfect to decorate and customize.
Savor a selection of delicious Japanese food with this sticker set.
Model number: 707287
Package size: 20×9.5 cm
Made in Japan by Kamio Japan Inc.
Depicted dishes:
すき焼き Sukiyaki hot pot
恵万巻き Emanmaki rolls
年越し蕎麦 new year soba
ほうれん草のおひたし Spinach ohitashi
カツオのタタキ Seared bonito
鯖の味噌煮 Stewed mackerel in miso
お餅 Rice cake mochi
ナスの味噌田楽 Eggplant miso dengaku
おせち料理 New Year dishes
日本酒 Japanese sake
おでん Oden
鮭の塩焼き Salt-grilled salmon
肉じゃが Meat and potatoes
おにぎり onigiri rice ball
漬物 Pickles
七草粥 Nanakusa porridge
天ぷら Tempura fried food
鮎の塩焼き Salt-grilled sweetfish
鉄火丼 Tuna bowl
お寿司 Sushi
冷奴 cold tofu
味噌汁 miso soup
納豆 Natto
ご飯 cooked rice
お刺身 Sashimi
あんみつ Anmitsu
煎餅 Senbei rice crackers
三色団子 Three-colored dango
up to 4 sheets | 5 to 7 sheets | |
Austria | €3.95 | €1.99 |
European Union | €5.99 | €4.99 |
all others | €7.99 | €6.99 |
up to 4 sheets | 5 to 7 sheets | |
Austria | €1.49 | €0.49 |
European Union | €1.99 | €0.99 |
all others | €3.99 | €2.99 |
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