Not suitable for children under 3 years.
« OTONANO-ZUKAN » Specialist Picture Atlas: Japanese textured paper stickers with golden details. These luxurious sticker collections with a golden hot foil finish are perfect to decorate and customize.
With this sticker set you can admire Mt. Fuji from wherever you are.
Model number: 218238
Package size: 20×9.5 cm
Made in Japan by Kamio Japan Inc.
標高3776m Altitude 3776m
裾野の広さは最大直径約44㎞ The maximum width of the base is approximately 44 km in diameter.
山中湖 Lake Yamanaka
信仰の対象と芸術の源泉 It’s the object of faith and a sources for the arts
山小屋の夜ご飯はカレー The dinner at a mountain hut is curry
富士山を詠んだ歌 A song about Mt. Fuji
ニホンカモシカ Japanese serow
山頂にポスト postal box on the mountaintop
富士登山 Climbing Mt. Fuji
ウソ common bullfinch
赤富士 red Fuji
紅富士 crimson Fuji
三保松原(みほのまつばら) Mihonomatsubara
桜と富士山 Cherry blossoms and Mt. Fuji
富士山と雲 Mt. Fuji and clouds
富士山が笠をかぶれば近いうちに雨 When Mt. Fuji wears a hat, it will rain soon.
一富士二鷹三茄子 First is Fuji, second is a hawk, third is an eggplant (a saying)
影富士 shadow Fuji
富士山頂は私有地 The summit of Mt. Fuji is private property
忍野八海 Oshino Hakkai springs
ダイアモンド富士 diamond Fuji
山頂でお茶が買える You can buy tea at the top of the mountain
虹富士 Rainbow Fuji
山頂で結婚式が出来る Wedding ceremonies at the top of the mountain are possible
富士山が見える一番遠い場所 The farthest place where you can see Mt. Fuji is Nachikatsuura in Wakayama prefecture.
新幹線の車窓から From the windows of the Shinkansen
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