Not suitable for children under 3 years.
« OTONANO-ZUKAN » Specialist Picture Atlas: Japanese textured paper stickers with golden details. These luxurious sticker collections with a golden hot foil finish are perfect to decorate and customize.
This sticker set shows us traditional Japanese clothing items such as kimonos, yukatas, accessories, and many others.
Model number: 221731
Package size: 20×9.5 cm
Made in Japan by Kamio Japan Inc.
振袖 Long-sleeved kimono
夏着物 summer kimono
帯留め Sash clip
立て矢結び „Arrow“ type of knotting the sash
和傘 Traditional umbrella
玉かんざし Traditional hairpin
扇子 Folding Fan
がまロバッグ Traditional handbag
くし Comb
留袖 Kimono worn by married women
つまみ細工かんざし Traditional hair ornament
草履 Traditional thonged sandals
袴 Hakama: pleated skirt worn over a kimono
浴衣 Yukata: light cotton kimono worn in summer
団扇 handheld fan
ふくら雀結び „Sparrow“ type of sash knotting
紋付羽織袴 Haori coat with family crest and hakama
手鏡 Hand-mirror
足袋 Traditional split-toe socks
がまロ財布 Traditional handbag wallet
筥迫 Traditional wallet
訪問着 Semi-formal kimono for women
匂い袋 Scented bag
文庫結び „Book“ style of sash knotting
白無垢 White kimono
GPSR Person: Western Limex Gmbh, Südtiroler Pl. 8/2, Wien 1040, AT
up to 4 sheets | 5 to 7 sheets | |
Austria | €3.95 | €1.99 |
European Union | €5.99 | €4.99 |
all others | €7.99 | €6.99 |
up to 4 sheets | 5 to 7 sheets | |
Austria | €1.49 | €0.49 |
European Union | €1.99 | €0.99 |
all others | €3.99 | €2.99 |
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