'stationery' Otonano-Zukan Paper stickers
  • 'stationery' Otonano-Zukan Paper stickers
  • 'stationery' Otonano-Zukan Paper stickers
  • 'stationery' Otonano-Zukan Paper stickers

'stationery' Otonano-Zukan Paper stickers

Only stickers? The cheaper shipping method 'Austria Post Letter' is available for orders that only contain stickers. You can find its fee table below, under the 'Thin shipping' tab.
Delivery: AT aprx. 1-2 work days, EU aprx. 3-9.

In Wishlist
  Warning! Small parts - choking hazard.

Not suitable for children under 3 years.

« OTONANO-ZUKAN » Specialist Picture Atlas: Japanese textured paper stickers with golden details. These luxurious sticker collections with a golden hot foil finish are perfect to decorate and customize.

Decorate your favorite stationery items with stickers of your favorite stationery items!

Model number: 729224

Package size: 20×9.5 cm

Made in Japan by Kamio Japan Inc.

Depicted items:

インク ink
万年筆 fountain pen
シャープペンシル mechanical pencil
のり glue
修正テープ correction tape
スタンプ stamp
ノート notebook
分度器 protractor
付箋 sticky note
替芯 refill
鉛筆 pencil
シール sticker
手帳 pocket book
手紙 letter
コンパス compass
封蝋 sealing wax
カラーペン color pens
ハサミ scissors
定規 ruler
ホッチキス stapler
セロハンテープ cellophane tape
三角定規 triangle ruler
消しゴム eraser
クリップ clip
マスキングテープ masking tape
メモ帳 notepad


Data sheet

Thin shipping possible?
Only stickers? The thin shipping method 'Austria Post Letter' is available orders containing exclusively stickers. 

Austria Post Letter+ (insured; insured with tracking number; with dispatch receipt)
up to 4 sheets 5 to 7 sheets
Austria €3.95 €1.99
European Union €5.99 €4.99
all others €7.99 €6.99

Austria Post Letter (uninsured; no tracking number; without dispatch receipt. By choosing this you release us from responsibilities in case of theft, damage or loss)
up to 4 sheets 5 to 7 sheets
Austria €1.49 €0.49
European Union €1.99 €0.99
all others €3.99 €2.99

If you want to order higher amounts, or you want to see our serviced countries, delivery times and conditions, please check out our general shipping information.