X'mas: Minimum goods' value €20. Expect postal delays.

'Aquarium' Otonano-Zukan Paper stickers
  • 'Aquarium' Otonano-Zukan Paper stickers

'Aquarium' Otonano-Zukan Paper stickers

Only stickers? The cheaper shipping method 'Austria Post Letter' is available for orders that only contain stickers. You can find its fee table below, under the 'Thin shipping' tab.
Delivery: AT aprx. 1-2 work days, EU aprx. 3-9.

In Wishlist
  Warning! Small parts - choking hazard.

Not suitable for children under 3 years.

« OTONANO-ZUKAN » Specialist Picture Atlas: Japanese textured paper stickers with golden details. These luxurious sticker collections with a golden hot foil finish are perfect to decorate and customize. 

Learn about the fascinating world under the surface of the water with this set of aquarium stickers.

Model number: 215285

Package size: 20×9.5 cm

Made in Japan by Kamio Japan Inc.


イルカショー Dolphin Show

ミナミハコフグ Southern Blowfish

フードコート Food Court

ペンギンのぬいぐるみ plush penguin

アカシュモクザメ Red hammerhead shark

オオサンショウウオ Giant Salamander

チケット Tickets

マンボウ Ocean sunfish

チンアナゴとニシキアナゴ Chinook and western pond snails

サメの顎の標本 A specimen of a shark’s jaw 

アカエイ Stingrays

ジンベエザメ Whale sharks

ナンヨウハギ Blue whale sharks

餌を食べる Feeding

ミズクラゲの水槽 Marine jellyfish tank

アシカショー Sea lion show

キーホルダー Keychain

ペンギンのお散歩 Penguin walk

アオウミガメ Green turtle

ジャンプ Jumping

ヤマトホシヒトデ Yamato starfish

ナポレオンフィッシュ Napoleon fish

イルカと握手 Shaking hands with dolphins

眠るアザラシ Sleeping seal

潜水士 Divers

イワシの群れ School of sardines

ミュージアムショップ Museum Shop

スタンプラリー collecting stamps

カワウソと握手 Shaking hands with otters


Data sheet

Thin shipping possible?
Only stickers? The thin shipping method 'Austria Post Letter' is available orders containing exclusively stickers. 

Austria Post Letter+ (insured; insured with tracking number; with dispatch receipt)
up to 4 sheets 5 to 7 sheets
Austria €3.95 €1.99
European Union €5.99 €4.99
all others €7.99 €6.99

Austria Post Letter (uninsured; no tracking number; without dispatch receipt. By choosing this you release us from responsibilities in case of theft, damage or loss)
up to 4 sheets 5 to 7 sheets
Austria €1.49 €0.49
European Union €1.99 €0.99
all others €3.99 €2.99

If you want to order higher amounts, or you want to see our serviced countries, delivery times and conditions, please check out our general shipping information.