'Dolphins and whales' Otonano-Zukan Paper stickers
  • 'Dolphins and whales' Otonano-Zukan Paper stickers

'Dolphins and whales' Otonano-Zukan Paper stickers

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  Warning! Small parts - choking hazard.

Not suitable for children under 3 years.

« OTONANO-ZUKAN » Specialist Picture Atlas: Japanese textured paper stickers with gold foil. These luxurious sticker collections with gold foil finish are perfect to decorate and customize.

These intelligent marine mammals live in oceans all over the world and even in some rivers.

Model number: 215283

Package size: 20×9.5 cm

Made in Japan by Kamio Japan Inc.

Depicted cetaceans:

バンドウイルカ Tursiops truncatus - bottlenose dolphin

カマイルカ Lagenorhynchus obliquidens - Pacific white-sided dolphin

メガネイルカ Phocoena dioptrica - Spectacled porpoise

アマゾンカワイルカ Amazon river dolphin

シャチ Orcinus orca - killer whale

シロイルカ Delphinapterus leucas - Beluga whale

ミナミハンドウイルカ Tursiops aduncus - Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin

歯クジラ Odontoceti - Toothed whales

スジイルカ Striped dolphin

セミクジラ Eubalaena japonica - North Pacific right whale

マッコウクジラ Physeter macrocephalus - sperm whale

ハシナガイルカ Stenella longirostris – Spinner dolphin

スナメリ Neophocaena phocaenoides - Indo-Pacific finless porpoise

イロワケイルカ Cephalorhynchus commersonii - Commerson's dolphin

かわいい Cute

ザトウクジラ Megaptera novaeangliae - Humpback whale

イルカの鼻は匂いを感じない A dolphin’s noses can't smell

ヒゲクジラ Mysticeti - Baleen whales

片目を閉じて眠る sleeps with one eye closed

親子 Parent and child

ホッキョククジラ Balaena mysticetus - Bowhead whale

マイルカ Delphinus delphis - Common dolphin

ツチクジラ Berardius - four-toothed whales

シロナガスクジラ Balaenoptera musculus - Blue whale

イッカク Monodon monoceros - Narwhal