'the Jōmon to Kofun period' Otonano-Zukan Paper stickers
  • 'the Jōmon to Kofun period' Otonano-Zukan Paper stickers

'the Jōmon to Kofun period' Otonano-Zukan Paper stickers

Only stickers? The cheaper shipping method 'Austria Post Letter' is available for orders that only contain stickers. You can find its fee table below, under the 'Thin shipping' tab.
Delivery: AT aprx. 1-2 work days, EU aprx. 3-9.

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  Warning! Small parts - choking hazard.

Not suitable for children under 3 years.

« OTONANO-ZUKAN » Specialist Picture Atlas: Japanese textured paper stickers with gold foil. These luxurious sticker collections with gold foil finish are perfect to decorate and customize.

The artifacts shown in this sticker set originate from the Jōmon to Kofun periods of Japan's prehistory.

Model number: 726220

Package size: 20×9.5 cm

Made in Japan by Kamio Japan Inc.

Depicted items:
前方後円墳 Zenpokoenfun keyhole shaped tomb
大仙陵古墳(伝仁徳陵古墳) Daisenryo tomb (Nintokuryo tomb)
男 Man
女 Woman
踊る埴輪 Dancing Haniwa dolls
猿の埴輪 Haniwa doll of a monkey
円墳 round tomb
盾持人埴輪 Haniwa doll with shield
武人埴輪 Haniwa doll fighter
円筒埴輪 Haniwa cylinder
帆立見形墳 tomb with square flat base and round top
三角縁神獣鏡 Triangular rimmer mirrors decorated with gods and animals
馬形埴輪 Haniwa doll of a horse
鶏形埴輪 Haniwa doll of a chicken
金印 King of Na gold seal
石舞台古墳 Stone stage tomb
犬形埴輪 Haniwa doll of a chicken
石包丁 stone knife
双円墳 double round tomb
勾玉 comma-shaped jewels
高床式倉庫 High-floor warehouse
弥生土器 Yayoi clayware
火焔型土器 flamme-shaped clayware container
遮光器土偶 Dogu figure with goggle-shaped eyes
妊娠を象った土偶 Dogu figure showing pregnancy
銅鐸 bell-shaped bronze vessel


Data sheet

Thin shipping possible?
Only stickers? The thin shipping method 'Austria Post Letter' is available orders containing exclusively stickers. 

Austria Post Letter+ (insured; insured with tracking number; with dispatch receipt)
up to 4 sheets 5 to 7 sheets
Austria €3.95 €1.99
European Union €5.99 €4.99
all others €7.99 €6.99

Austria Post Letter (uninsured; no tracking number; without dispatch receipt. By choosing this you release us from responsibilities in case of theft, damage or loss)
up to 4 sheets 5 to 7 sheets
Austria €1.49 €0.49
European Union €1.99 €0.99
all others €3.99 €2.99

If you want to order higher amounts, or you want to see our serviced countries, delivery times and conditions, please check out our general shipping information.