Not suitable for children under 3 years.
« OTONANO-ZUKAN » Specialist Picture Atlas: Japanese textured paper stickers with golden details. These luxurious sticker collections with a golden hot foil finish are perfect to decorate and customize.
The "Okinawa" sticker set shows that Okinawa has a lot more to offer than pristine beaches.
Model number: 221269
Package size: 20×9.5 cm
Made in Japan by Kamio Japan Inc.
Depicted items:
シーサー Shisa: The Guardian Lions of Okinawa
ヤンバルクイナ Hypotaenidia okinawae: Okinawan rail
カクレクマノミAmphiprion ocellaris: Clownfisch
海ぶどう Sea grapes
ゴーヤー Bitter melon
タコライス Taco rice
紅芋 Purple yam
紅型 Bingata: traditional dyed cloth from Okinawa
やちむん Yachimun: Okinawan pottery
ハイビスカス Hibiscus
カチャーシー kachāshī: festive Okinawan folk dance
琉球ガラス Ryūkyū glass
首里城 Shuri Castle
沖縄そば Okinawan soba
パイナップル Pineapple
ラフテー Rafute: skin-on pork belly stewed
マンタ Manta ray
ちんすこう Chinsukō: traditional Okinawan biscuit made with wheat flour, lard and sugar
泡盛 Awamori: strong Okinawan liquor distilled from rice or millet
沖縄本島 Okinawan main island
イリオモテヤマネコ Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis: Iriomote wildcat
ゴーヤーチャンプルー Chanpurū: Bitter melon stir-fried with pork, tofu and other vegetables
エイサー Eisa: Okinawan folk dance that marks the end of the Obon festival
三線 Sanshin: Okinawan traditional three-stringed instrument
沖縄の古民家 Traditional Okinawan house
シークワーサー Okinawan green lime
花笠 Conical hat adorned with flowers
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up to 4 sheets | 5 to 7 sheets | |
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European Union | €1.99 | €0.99 |
all others | €3.99 | €2.99 |
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